pretend theres like music here. or something. i dont know how to code that yet.


Hello, welcome to Stingray’s kinlist! This is where I will elaborate on what alterhumanity, therianthropy, and otherkin is; how and why I kin; and the very long list of my kins.

The box on the right are my kins organised as: my main kintypes (aka the biggest part of my identity), my theriotypes, my fictotypes, and misc kins that couldn’t fit in those sections.

My kinlist might take a section to be added, as I haven't updated my kinlist in a few years. I still kin, I just don't update it as often as I should.


imagine there are cool photos here

These are kins that couldn’t fit in any other section or were too short to have their own section.


I do not kin a specific abandoned house; it’s more that I am a house that has been abandoned. I feel a deep emotional connection to abandoned houses and places in general. Jacob Geller’s video essay (the one mentioned on the interests front page), “Control, Anatomy, and the Legacy of the Haunted House” made me cry the first time I watched it. It reminds me of myself.


Also called “Offiz”, this is a trojan horse from 2002. It appeared on a website known as YouDontKnowWhoIam(dot)com and then moved to YouAreAnIdiot(dot)org in 2004. It’s a black and white flashing video with the text “you are an idiot!” with 3 smile faces underneath while a song plays in the back singing, “You are an idiot! Ha Ha Ha Ha!”.

I can’t explain my connection with this virus, but it is me.


Yes, I for real and genuinely kin songs. These are a mix of songs I feel like I am or songs I just relate to, like “normal” people, but it’s way more fun to say I kin them. I used to have a spotify playlist of songs I kinned, but I deleted it for… whateer reason.

I feel like music, what else can I say!!!

Because I deleted the playlist and because my memories have been getting increasingly worse (see: disabled zombie), it’s hard for me to track down the songs I kin. This will be updated as I find and remember them.