

The entrance of The Graveyard is covered with trees and bushes, but there is a pathway-- albeit overgrown with plants.



7/7/23 - I FINISHED MY FIRST SHRINE !!! its for my friend's webcomic, Long Gone Legends. Next up: Sanders Sides shrine.

7/3/23 - I CODED THE ALTERHUMANITY PAGE!!! Right now, it has an explanation on what alterhumanity & kin is & why I kin. I'll be adding my kinlist soon :D. I also have been coding a little... misc section to the interests page, but I broke my phone which had my neocities plans on, so I kind of forgot what... I wanted over there.

6/29/23 - I created a sitemap, added a visitor counter, and I've been working on a shrine & it. is a lot of effort good lord.

6/28/23 - ADDED REVIEWS !!! started working on the sitemap & i added WIND NOISES to the entrance page :D

6/26/23 - I set up the shrine navigation section :) now I have to actually Make the shrines but I'm very scared to start.

6/23/23 - I SET UP MY ART PAGE !!! ITS VERY UGLY BUT IT IS DONE :) i did the layout all by myself (minus for the gallery thing) & it. shows. badly NKJGFNDSKLGF also added the fics & essays section to the writing page

6/21/23 - FINISHED SETTING UP THE INTERESTS PAGE !! I also added the poetry and wips sections to the writing page.

6/20/23 (again) - I FORMATTED THE HOME & ABOUT PAGES FOR MOBILE!!! :D I also added an "entrance" page hehe :3

6/20/23 - ADDED THE INTERESTS PAGE !!! It still needs to be edited completely BUT IT'S THERE & you can get to my writing page now!!! Next up is probably adding my writing to the writing page & fixing the interests page. Everyone say thank you to REPTH who has the best layouts ever.

6/19/23 - Added a writing page but it is So Ugly please cover your eyes until I make it pretty (also it'll be linked in the interests page but that has yet to be made so...)

6/18/23 - I added a BLOG PAGE !!

6/17/23 (again) - I ADDED MUSIC!! & this silly little box i like it

6/17/23 - fixed the site it broke i dont know why it did that i changed 1 colour. -_-

6/16/23 (again again) - i added cool javascript stuff & got a better layout :3

6/16/23 (again) - I FOUND A LAYOUT now my blog is XTRA cool

6/16/23 - I made this website (at like 1 AM)


(aka my friends!!)




Want to send a review? EMAIL DOWNRIGHTDEADZ@GMAIL.COM!!!!

You are visitor:

website counter

(THE COUNTER'S WRONG. AGAIN. i will never get this to work)


Rows and rows and rows of graves fill your vision. Moonlight breaks past clouds and fog, aluminating the graves. The soft glow of candles leads your eyes to a tomb in the far back. Partially hidden by leaves in the other corner is what you assume to be a stairwell.

There a few graves with neat and tidy headstones, others covered in thick vines and dirt, some with a single stick or flower as their only mark, and a few are completely empty, only a vague outline to make note of their presence.

There is, however, a grave in the middle that gets your attention... You're not sure why. Maybe it's the moonlight, hitting it just right, but you feel a strange pull.

As you walk closer, you notice the grave's name has been completely carved out. Over it, sits a new name, carved neatly:


APRIL 29, 2024: it has been 9 months oh my god. hi i turned 19 :3 um anyway soo i am going to revamp my ENTIRE neocities. idk when. so much as happened. i did get a new laptop, i also secretly moved out of my parents house due to abuse (sorry for dropping that randomly), and am now living with my older brother. i have been struggling with as many health issues as you can imagine and then more than that. I dont know if im going to delete this or what, but it will most likely stay for the time being til i figure out what to do with it.

I still love coding and i am actually working on a separate art project on neocities. so i think most of my focus will be on that instead of revamping a casual website. also i dont think anyone is like actually listening or reading any of this right now but i like to write silly little things.

my art project will be primarily on neocities, but I also am posting on tik tok and soon youtube whenever i set that up. it's gonna be cool and fun. im not telling u where or hwat but just imagine its really cool ok

JULY 12, 2023: my laptop is working now!! The keyboard is broken (badly), but I have a plug-in keyboard that I can use.

To show you how bad my keyboard is, here is me writing "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" with my laptop's keyboard: hqe zcy og hqe qeuizck bown ox jum ovrrqe tr (as you can see, I can't really use that to code).

I really want to remake this entire home page (& the entrance page). I think it's laid out really weird & the links are kind of confusing (in my opinion, anyway), and I have a better idea. Instead of it being laid out like: entrance -> home: about, blog, interests, sitemap -> interests: rest of the website, I'd RATHER it be laid out: entrance -> home -> rest of the website. I feel like that makes way more sense, especially with the things I want to add to the website.

I want to lean in with the "storytelling" aspect I have going on with a point-and-click type thing where you have a map & have to click the different locations (The Catacombs/art, The Tomb/writing, my grave/about, bench/stitemap, etc) to get to each page. BUT in order to do that, I have to actually draw things and design things, like the map and stuff. So that will take a HOT SECOND... Very ambitious, but its ok, I will learn & it'll be soo cool when it's done, trust me.

I really like coding & I get so excited to code, but I've been struggling recently with my comprehension and chronic pain (and I think my depression is slowly creeping back). It's hard to code when I'm struggling so hard to comprehend things and making small mistakes I usually wouldn't make. I have a caffiene addiction and my withdrawls recently have been causing body pain, but since I already deal with body pain, everything feels like it's amped up to 200%, instead of my usual 80%. Plus, because I broke my phone, I have to sit up to use my laptop (especially now that I broke my keyboard) or sit in a chair in front of my TV to see it since it's too far away for me to see and I have strabismus so my eyes cross badly. It's annoying having to cover one eye 24/7 just to see. I used to be able to lay down & rest on my phone, but I can't anymore. So I've been permanently sitting up and it is hell.

Updates will come slower

TO-DO !!

  • remake entrance & home pages
  • figure out how to add a better playlist
  • finish formatting the mobile pages
  • force all my friends to make a neocities

Feed my Tamanotchi :3!

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!


layouts are by Repth

graphics are from graphic neocities

blinkies are from the blinkies cafe

stamps are from sewercore on Tumblr

badges are from web badges world
