Shiny Violet Star


... Memories ...

You wander through the graveyard, looking at the headstones of those who have passed. Most of the graves have gifts, offerings: flowers, coins, candles, toys, photographs... some, however, are empty, long forgotten by others; headstones covered in dirt and breaking off at the ends. You wonder what lives these people must have lived...

Welcome to Stingray's Interests page. This is pretty much where the rest of the website is. Here you will see my work in art and writing, my shrines, my self-shipping content, my kinlist and elaboration on what "kinning" is to me, and my extensive genderhoard (roughly 200 labels!).


My biggest special interest is Sanders Sides, a webseries by Thomas Sanders (yea, the vine guy) about... well, (character) Thomas Sanders! Character Thomas goes through life, dealing with issues like: moving on from a break up, anxiety and intrusive thoughts, and selfishness and taking care of yourself, with his (singular) personality that's been separated in "sides". Sides like Morality, Creativity, Logic, etc. It's been my special interest for 5 years, though I suspect I was into him way longer before that. I'll be making a shrine dedicated to the entire series (and my favourite ships. cringe culture is dead let me live). My favourite character is Logic "Logan" Sanders, who (you guessed it) represents Thomas' logic. While I wouldn't call him the most interesting character, he is a very important character with an important arc and storyline. I'm currently in the midst of writing an entire essay about how he is, unintentionally, coded as autistic, which you will see on my writing page once I finish it.

My Sanders Sides sideblog on Tumblr is TransfemLogan.

My other special interest is My Chemical Romance, one of my favourite bands (rivaled by another band "Rural Internet"). I've always been a fan of their music, but it didn't become a special interest until their reunion-- not because of their reunion, just on the same day. Before they revealed their reunion, I got super hyperfocused on it, to the point I hit my post limit that day because I was spam reblogging MCR posts. It's wild when I think about it. There will be a shrine for MCR too, because obviously. I went to their reunion tour back in October with my best friend, Dani. I lost my voice screaming and singing that day. My favourite song of theirs is Early Sunsets over Monroeville from their Bullets album. I wrote an entire thing about how that song relates to me and affects me for my senior writing project/exam, and I might rewrite it and post it here.

Some other special interests & hyperfixations of mine are:

  • Blaseball, a now, sadly, ended baseball horror simulator (rest in violence :( ) My team is the Seattle Garages and my little guy is Mugs Ghost, from the 2nd Short Circuts
  • Long Gone Legends, a webcomic on Tapas (that's actually being revamped) about a group of teens and a little town called Burke's point. I'm actually friends with the author and let me tell you he is the coolest person ever and I love his comic so bad
  • Monster High G1 and G3. I used to be a BIG monster high fan when I was younger (... and threw away all my dolls, DONT SAY ANYTHING I KNOW IM SORRY) and I'm really enjoying the new generation, despite it's issues. I have 6 of the dolls, which I'll show whenever!!
  • Metalocalypse! It's an adult swim show from 2006 about the most popular deathmetal band, filled with gore-y scenes and apparently they're also in a prophecy-- it's whatever. Definitely did not age the best, but I love it a lot. My favourite character is Charles Offdensens and Murderface :)
  • Alternative subcultures, but especially the emo and scene subculture. I am a cripplepunk scenemo. I got really invested in the alternative community back during my freshman year (and then it became talked about on Tik Tok a lot, which makes me feel like I somehow caused that sorry). I'll be making a shrine for this too!!

I can't go into detail about every single interest of mine (though I WISH i could), so here is a quick list: kink & fetish, self-shipping, kin, queer history and the mogai community, Half-Life VR: But The Ai Is Self-Aware, Mob Psycho 100, Doctor Who, Lucids (it's a youtube webseries), the entire Saw Franchise, The Lego Movies, clue (1985), Portal, Little Nightmares, Franbow, The Penumbra Podcast's Juno Steel, The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells, witchcraft, satanism, junk journalling and scrapbooking, and a lot more.

... Video Essays ...

I recently got into video essays! My attention span used to be (and still is) really bad, to the point I couldn't even watch movies or shows. I started watching more video essays earlier this year, when I took a break from social media due to how it was affecting my mental health. As someone with aphasia who wants to write essays, I feel like video essays really help me, because of the type of "language" used in those videos. Also, I love watching videos of someone being incredibly passionate about a very specific topic.

I am always looking for more essays, so please send me an email if you want to infodump about your fave essays :)

I love Jacob Geller (as most people do) and his essays, though I'd have to say that Control, Anatomy, and the Leacy of the Haunted House is my all time favourite. I think I relate to it heavily because I am a victim of child abuse and the entire topic about houses "coming to life and seeking revenge" on those who neglected it, is, in a way,... a trauma-response. (It also reminds me of Logan Sanders and I am autistic so obviously I have to associate everything with my special interest.) I also just enjoy how humans humanise the inanimate objects around them, from petting roombas and holding them in your lap to picking out the "ugliest" fruit in the store, so it doesn't feel "unloved".

I haven't watched too many of James Somerton's essays (I have a lot on my list though), but The Death of Queer Privacy is also one of my favourites. It accurate describes how I feel personally about being queer and a lot of the queer community nowadays and what we should be doing about it.

Obviously: hbomberguy's essays. I don't think I have to say the ROBLOX_OOF.mp3 is one of my favourites (in fact, it's the first video essay I watched!) but especially his Pathologic essay and Vaccines and Autism: A Measured Response.

Games you can never play again. by The Cursed Judge is a beautiful video essay that made me cry at the end. I recently started bingewatching a lot of his videos and I absolutely love his content and the way he talks about things.

Why the Curtains are Blue: The Implication of Being Uncritical by Shanspear is one I recomment everyone when they ask for video essays.

I obviously have a lot more, but these are my top faves (I think).


I kind of just watch whatever next, but I do really want to watch Why Is Conservative Comedy So... Not Very Good by Some More News and Climate Denial: A Measured Response by hbomberguy. They've been on my list forever and I keep just... adding more and more essays and forgetting about those.

... Movies & Shows ...

I HAVEN'T WATCHED A LOT OF MOVIES. AGAIN, attention span sucks. I WANT to watch more movies, but... it's weirdly more difficult than video essays or rewatching something I've already seen. I don't know if that's an attention span thing being sucked away by social media (the tik tokifying of everything hurts me) or if it's an autistic thing (like... the fear of losing a special interest and it getting replaced? or knowing something will become a SpIn, so you avoid it because you know you can't have one right now???), but getting into shows and movies is... hard.

I love horror movies! Obviously, the Saw franchise is an interest of mine and it used to be a hyperfixation for a long time! My favourite saw movie is the 2nd one, but I could... be wrong, it's been a hot second since I've seen it.

The Princess Bride is something I watched back when I had to take summer school and I fell in love with it (and the book). Despite hating romance (I'm a romance repusled aromantic), I loved the entire thing! Inigo is my favourtie guy ever and also we are in love (trust me). The Lego Movies and The Lego Batman Movie are also my favourites. I love the colours in both of them, they are gorgeous. I need to rewatch them.

Clue (1985) is also a movie I watched during summer school, and I actually couldn't... see the screen at all when we watched it, so I ended up rewatching it again out of curiosity and it is SO GOOD. My high school did a play for it, which I went to with a friend, and it was amazing. Mr. Green is also in love with me.


I am seeing the Barbie movie with a friend when it comes out, along with the new Metalocalypse movie, and hopefully the FNAF movie with some friends. Other than that, I don't have any plans for other movies.

... To-Do ...

  • add a toy hoard shrine
  • add a pet page
  • add a mood tracker
  • move video essays & movies & shows to its own page
  • maybe. remake this entire page
  • add all pages
  • add stamps & blinkes & silly little stuff